19% of adults feel like they are satisfied with their life and less than 10%
feel as if they are close to their ideal life. If you want to have a more fulfilling life, you need to adopt some sort of wellness training into your daily routine.
Healthy living is all about living a balanced life and overcoming stress with a personal wellness routine. Personal wellness is about balancing your level of activity with healthy food choices but it involves so much more.
The overarching theme of personal wellness is much more than the latest fitness programs or diet fads. Wellness involves a comprehensive approach to creating a lifestyle that leaves you fulfilled. Read this guide to learn more.
Balance What You Eat and Do
The expression "burning" calories is a literal one as well as a figurative one. As you are active, chemical reactions take place in your body that release heat. This is why your core temperature increases and you sweat.
The more calories you burn each day, the more calories you should consume in your diet. If you are more sedentary for a few days, eat fewer calories. If you are very active it is time to step up those portions.
Put Premium Fuel in Your Body's Engine
Scientists at Harvard University developed the
healthy eating plate to give most people a general idea of what sort of food portions work best for the general population. Like the now-dead food pyramid before it, it's a standard.
While what a "healthy eating plate" looks like for each individual may change, one thing remains constant: balanced diets made from wholesome (not processed) foods are the best for overall wellness and performance.
You Don't Need to Be Rich to Eat Healthily
Many people are under the illusion that you need to be rich to eat healthy, wholesome foods. The reality is that many cheaper foods are very healthy. Vegetables, rice, and fish are all affordable for many people.
You can harvest or grow many healthy foods yourself if they cost a ton at your local supermarket. There are also plenty of tips out there to eat
healthy on a budget. Don't get tricked into eating expensive trash food all the time.
Find Fulfilling Exercises
You should move as much as possible to stay healthy. For most people, the longer you can elevate your heart rate and extend your workouts the better. Try to find productive free exercises out in nature to save money and stress.
Things like hiking, running, cycling, and swimming can be done by almost anyone for next to nothing in beautiful outdoor environments. Try as many different activities as you can to find out what clicks with you.
Benefit From a Wellness Training Routine
Some people see the most benefits from a training routine. You should find a personal trainer or wellness program that helps you balance your diet with the amount of exercise in your life.
Many wellness coaches and personal trainers have fun new fitness ideas that you can incorporate into your repertoire. They can also help you set goals and overcome obstacles. See
what services a trainer offers to see if you need them.
Manage Your Stress Levels
Stress produces the chemical cortisol which is a great evolutionary tool. During a flight-or-flight reaction cortisol increases blood glucose and along with adrenaline gives you all the tools you need to get out of harm's way.
When cortisol is constantly released, such as when you suffer from chronic stress, the hormone
wreaks havoc on your body. It can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and death. Manage your stress levels to avoid this.
Focus On Psychological Wellness
A sound mind yields a sound body. Make sure you focus on your mental health wellness as well as your physical wellness. Get help when you need it, find positive outlets such as yoga, and build a support network.
Get plenty of positive social time with friends, family, and neighbors. Make sure to find some activities in your life that are rewarding and provide meaning to help you cope when the going gets tough as well.
Have Fun and Work Hard
A wellness routine may be difficult at first, but overall you should come to enjoy it at some point. If you aren't having fun while maintaining your wellness, find a way to change this.
You may not be a person that enjoys the gym or spending time outside in the harsh elements. Tweak your routine based on your preferred habits until you have established a lifestyle you enjoy living that benefits your health.
Keep Your Routine Fresh
If your wellness routine starts to feel stale or overplayed, you should incorporate some new activities. If your diet starts to taste bland or redundant after a while, look up some new recipes or source new ingredients.
There is always something you can do to evolve your overall wellness routine and keep it fresh and interesting. Sometimes reaching out to a friend or professional for motivation is the best way to switch things up.
Enjoy Recovery Time
Everybody gets sick, tired, or burnt out. If you find yourself in pain after any of your exercises, or not willing to stick to your diet for a day, don't freak out. It is normal to enjoy your recovery time as needed.
As long as you hop back on your wellness horse and don't fall out of your lifestyle for too long, enjoying recovery time is a good thing. Cherish those moments of indulgence or laziness, just don't let them take over.
Become Your Healthiest Happiest Self
You weren't put here on this planet to be miserable, sick, and out of shape. You can rise above all of these conditions through the right wellness training and cultivate a positive world outlook.
If you need help getting your wellness routine established,
contact us today. We can be the wellness coach and trainer you need to get your ideal life kicked into high gear. Let us help you attain your wellness dreams.