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By Jason Lewis August 11, 2023
As we age, maintaining both physical and mental health becomes increasingly important. The golden years can indeed be golden, filled with vitality and a sense of purpose, if we take the right steps towards wellness. This article provides comprehensive strategies that seniors can adopt to improve their overall health, from starting a fitness regimen to fostering social interactions.  Courtesy of 8S, let's dive into these beneficial practices and explore how they can contribute to a healthy, satisfying lifestyle in our later years. Initiate a Fitness Regimen: Physical activity is crucial for seniors, offering a multitude of health benefits. Regular exercise can improve mobility, enhance mood, and even reduce the risk of depression and anxiety. But it's not just about hitting the gym or running marathons. Simple activities like walking, gardening or dancing can keep seniors physically active and engaged. Incorporating exercise into daily routine doesn't have to be daunting. Start with gentle exercises and gradually increase the intensity as your body adjusts. Remember, it's not about the duration or intensity of the exercise; it's about consistency. The key is to find an activity you enjoy, making it easier to stick with in the long run. Engage Your Mind in New Ventures: Starting your own venture is a remarkable way to stay engaged and satisfied. As an entrepreneur, you're given the freedom to create, innovate, and make crucial decisions that shape the path of your business. Forming an LLC (Limited Liability Company), for instance, offers multiple advantages. One of the main benefits of an LLC is the protection it provides to its owners from personal liability for business debts and claims. This means that if the business incurs debt or is sued, the owners' assets are generally protected. Moreover, an LLC provides flexibility in terms of management structure and profit distribution and potential tax advantages. For those wondering how to start an LLC in Texas, the process involves several steps including choosing a unique name for your LLC, appointing a registered agent, filing a Certificate of Formation with the Texas Secretary of State, and creating an operating agreement. It's essential to understand these legalities and consider seeking professional advice if necessary. Starting your venture not only stimulates your mind but also brings about a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Embrace the Joy of Card Games: Card games are more than just a fun pastime. They can enhance memory, cognitive skills, and social interaction. Whether it's a game of bridge, poker, or solitaire, card games require strategy and concentration, which can help keep the mind sharp. Playing cards regularly can also provide an opportunity for social interaction. Joining a local card club or organizing card game nights with friends can foster a sense of community and belonging. Plus, it's a great way to have fun and enjoy some friendly competition. Adopt Regular Stretching and Healthy Eating Habits Beginning the day with a series of stretches can significantly improve both physical and mental health by enhancing flexibility, promoting better posture, and boosting mood and energy levels. Incorporating mindful practices like yoga or meditation with regular stretching can further elevate mental wellness. Simultaneously, maintaining a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is essential for optimal health. It's not about imposing strict dietary restrictions but achieving balance and moderation in our eating habits. Working with professionals can help you develop an exercise and nutrition plan that’s right for you. Contact 8S today to learn more about how our services can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Foster Social Interactions: Staying connected with friends, family, and the community plays a significant role in mental health. Regular social interaction can combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, boost mood, and even improve cognitive function. Whether it's volunteering, joining a community group, or simply catching up with friends over a cup of coffee, staying socially active can greatly enhance mental well-being. Remember, it's never too late to make new friends or reconnect with old ones. Improving the mental and physical health in seniors involves embracing a balanced lifestyle that incorporates regular physical activity, mental stimulation, and social interaction. By adopting these strategies, seniors can look forward to a vibrant and fulfilling life in their golden years.
By sites August 11, 2023
19% of adults feel like they are satisfied with their life and less than 10% feel as if they are close to their ideal life. If you want to have a more fulfilling life, you need to adopt some sort of wellness training into your daily routine. Healthy living is all about living a balanced life and overcoming stress with a personal wellness routine. Personal wellness is about balancing your level of activity with healthy food choices but it involves so much more. The overarching theme of personal wellness is much more than the latest fitness programs or diet fads. Wellness involves a comprehensive approach to creating a lifestyle that leaves you fulfilled. Read this guide to learn more. Balance What You Eat and Do The expression "burning" calories is a literal one as well as a figurative one. As you are active, chemical reactions take place in your body that release heat. This is why your core temperature increases and you sweat. The more calories you burn each day, the more calories you should consume in your diet. If you are more sedentary for a few days, eat fewer calories. If you are very active it is time to step up those portions. Put Premium Fuel in Your Body's Engine Scientists at Harvard University developed the healthy eating plate to give most people a general idea of what sort of food portions work best for the general population. Like the now-dead food pyramid before it, it's a standard. While what a "healthy eating plate" looks like for each individual may change, one thing remains constant: balanced diets made from wholesome (not processed) foods are the best for overall wellness and performance. You Don't Need to Be Rich to Eat Healthily Many people are under the illusion that you need to be rich to eat healthy, wholesome foods. The reality is that many cheaper foods are very healthy. Vegetables, rice, and fish are all affordable for many people. You can harvest or grow many healthy foods yourself if they cost a ton at your local supermarket. There are also plenty of tips out there to eat healthy on a budget . Don't get tricked into eating expensive trash food all the time. Find Fulfilling Exercises You should move as much as possible to stay healthy. For most people, the longer you can elevate your heart rate and extend your workouts the better. Try to find productive free exercises out in nature to save money and stress. Things like hiking, running, cycling, and swimming can be done by almost anyone for next to nothing in beautiful outdoor environments. Try as many different activities as you can to find out what clicks with you. Benefit From a Wellness Training Routine Some people see the most benefits from a training routine. You should find a personal trainer or wellness program that helps you balance your diet with the amount of exercise in your life. Many wellness coaches and personal trainers have fun new fitness ideas that you can incorporate into your repertoire. They can also help you set goals and overcome obstacles. See what services a trainer offers to see if you need them. Manage Your Stress Levels Stress produces the chemical cortisol which is a great evolutionary tool. During a flight-or-flight reaction cortisol increases blood glucose and along with adrenaline gives you all the tools you need to get out of harm's way. When cortisol is constantly released, such as when you suffer from chronic stress, the hormone wreaks havoc on your body. It can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and death. Manage your stress levels to avoid this. Focus On Psychological Wellness A sound mind yields a sound body. Make sure you focus on your mental health wellness as well as your physical wellness. Get help when you need it, find positive outlets such as yoga, and build a support network. Get plenty of positive social time with friends, family, and neighbors. Make sure to find some activities in your life that are rewarding and provide meaning to help you cope when the going gets tough as well. Have Fun and Work Hard A wellness routine may be difficult at first, but overall you should come to enjoy it at some point. If you aren't having fun while maintaining your wellness, find a way to change this. You may not be a person that enjoys the gym or spending time outside in the harsh elements. Tweak your routine based on your preferred habits until you have established a lifestyle you enjoy living that benefits your health. Keep Your Routine Fresh If your wellness routine starts to feel stale or overplayed, you should incorporate some new activities. If your diet starts to taste bland or redundant after a while, look up some new recipes or source new ingredients. There is always something you can do to evolve your overall wellness routine and keep it fresh and interesting. Sometimes reaching out to a friend or professional for motivation is the best way to switch things up. Enjoy Recovery Time Everybody gets sick, tired, or burnt out. If you find yourself in pain after any of your exercises, or not willing to stick to your diet for a day, don't freak out. It is normal to enjoy your recovery time as needed. As long as you hop back on your wellness horse and don't fall out of your lifestyle for too long, enjoying recovery time is a good thing. Cherish those moments of indulgence or laziness, just don't let them take over. Become Your Healthiest Happiest Self You weren't put here on this planet to be miserable, sick, and out of shape. You can rise above all of these conditions through the right wellness training and cultivate a positive world outlook. If you need help getting your wellness routine established, contact us today . We can be the wellness coach and trainer you need to get your ideal life kicked into high gear. Let us help you attain your wellness dreams.
By sites January 20, 2022
About one in four American s make New Year's resolutions. The majority of commitments involve exercising (46%), improving their diet (45%), and losing weight (44%). Unfortunately, only 35% of people keep up with their resolutions. In some cases, resolving to diet and exercise can even have a negative impact on your mental and physical health. Instead of crazy diet programs this year, give intuitive eating a try. Intuitive eating involves listening to your hunger cues and eating what you want without guilt. The process will teach you how to recognize fullness, too. Following this dietary approach can help you build a stronger relationship with your body as well. On the fence about giving this healthy eating method a try? Here are eight benefits to consider first. After reading this guide, you can determine if this smart eating program is right for you. Read on to discover the benefits of this healthy eating lifestyle today! 1. Detect and Honor Hunger Cues Intuitive eating requires people to honor their hunger. Otherwise, restring certain foods can lead people to overeat. Following the intuitive approach, on the other hand, ensures you eat enough calories to feel satisfied. You can provide your body with the carbohydrates, protein, and fat needed to feel full. Learning how to recognize hunger and fullness cues also rejects the diet mentality. Following a diet causes a constant awareness of food. It also causes you to constantly consider how food affects your body. You'll start filtering food choices in an effort to "be healthier" or look a certain way as a result. Following a diet mentality, especially long-term, can become harmful. People on a diet mentality don't always consider hunger, cravings, or what their bodies actually want. The intuitive approach, on the other hand, considers these various factors. Learning how to follow this approach could help you minimize cravings over time. You can re-establish trust with your body. Once you start honoring your hunger and fullness cues, you'll experience cravings less often. 2. Determine Your Preferences Following this healthy eating mentality can also help you recognize which foods you like and dislike. This approach ensures you're not eating based on external foods. You won't have to restrict a long list of foods, either. Instead, you can explore food to determine your preferences. You might even find that you no longer enjoy certain "forbidden" foods you previously binge ate. Meanwhile, you can explore new foods without thinking they're "good" or "bad." You could discover new favorite foods and recipes as a result. Since you're no longer thinking with an "all or nothing" mindset, you can also remain flexible. For example, you can have spontaneous dinner plans. You can also eat healthy on a budget or live a little more adventurously. 3. End Guilt This healthy eating mentality will also help you silence your "food police" mindset. You no longer have to moralize food. Many people who diet long term think all healthy foods are good and all unhealthy foods are bad. Following this smart eating approach will encourage you to challenge that belief. In doing so, you can stop having guilty thoughts surrounding food. Shutting off your inner food police will allow you to enjoy a variety of foods without feeling guilty for your choices. Instead, you can start approaching situations with curiosity (rather than judgment). You can gain a new perspective instead of thinking in black and white. You might find it's easier to buy food you love and store it at home without giving it extra thought. You can eat foods when you like or forget they're there. You won't have to worry about the guilt of having "trigger foods" around the house. 4. Food Tastes Better Once you remove the anxiety and guilt you feel about food, you'll focus more on taste. You can live in the present and notice the taste, texture, and smell of certain foods. Instead of feeling anxious about what you're eating, you can enjoy what you eat. 5. Have More Energy Becoming in tune with your body will help you recognize which foods make you feel at your best. You could notice you have more energy during the day as a result. You can also figure out which foods drain your energy levels and which ones give you a boost. 6. Better Mental and Physical Health Following an intuitive eating lifestyle can benefit your mental and physical wellbeing. Studies have already linked the intuitive approach to healthier psychological attitudes and lower body mass index (BMI). It helps with weight maintenance as well. People who follow this approach develop better self-esteem and body images. Your overall life could improve as well. You could experience less depression and anxiety with this healthy living approach. Once you no longer feel guilty about what you eat, you'll learn to trust your body. You'll recognize that what you eat doesn't define you. Your overall trust and self-confidence can increase as a result. You'll also learn self-compassion skills. You can trust yourself as you would a friend. You can stop beating yourself up about what you eat and begin caring for yourself instead. Feeling less guilt and fear about what you eat can also benefit your mood. You can fuel your body and recognize what helps you feel good mentally and physically. In fact, you could develop a better relationship with exercise as well. You can start seeing exercise as a form of self-care (rather than means of burning off calories). Once you start enjoying exercise, you'll feel more inclined to exercise. 7. Improved Digestion If you eat while stressed, your digestion can shut down, leading to gastrointestinal issues. Removing stress and anxiety about food from your life can improve your digestion. 8. Feel Satisfied Removing your food-related anxiety can also help you feel more satisfied with life. You can seek pleasure from things besides food. Meanwhile, you can stop worrying about what people are thinking of you. Instead, you can live unapologetically while focusing on your wants and needs. Smart Eating Mentalities: 8 Delicious Benefits of Intuitive Eating Don't let a diet mindset impact your overall mental and physical health. Instead, consider these benefits of intuitive eating. A new, healthy eating mindset could change your life for the better. You can make healthier food choices, improve your self-awareness, and put an end to food-related stress. Want to stop counting calories and start living your best life? We can help. Discover our tailored nutritional and wellness training services today. Contact us to get started.
By sites December 27, 2021
We've all made the resolution that, yes, this year, we'll start working on that summer body early. Before you know it, it's June, and you've somehow gone backward. If that sounds like you, know that you're not alone. Half of the people who make new year's resolutions make them about fitness goals or losing weight. And then they give up. Only a third of people stick to them for any length of time - people don't change overnight. It's no surprise: Habits aren't formed in a day, either. They build up over a lifetime. But they're not impossible to break. Grow From a Strong Foundation Like with a diet, it's near to impossible to change your habits overnight. Diets don't work because the second they've over, you go back to eating what you did before. And that's okay. It's not weakness. It's just being human. A good fitness routine is a pyramid. One that is built brick by brick. You might find the motivation to go at it hard for a week or two, sure. But maintaining that over any length of time is challenging to say the least. Particularly if you've done it before. And let's be honest - we all have. Many times. All that truly matters is to put one foot in front of the other. If your first goal is to start and not stop, that's fine. Hash out the finer details later. Grow from strong roots and develop healthier habits over time. That summer body you're chasing will take care of itself. Be Honest With Yourself The first step in developing your foundation is to interrogate your own habits. You've got to be honest, and you've got to ask yourself some difficult questions. Have you started a new workout routine as a new year's resolution year-on-year, only to give up? Are your eating habits playing havoc with your metabolism? Do you feel as though you're half ready to give in before you've even started? It's only by knowing what your own biggest hurdles are that you can hope to overcome them. You're reading this blog, and that means that something is holding you back. It's up to you to identify it. Set SMART Fitness Goals Wanting to "get fit", "lose weight", or "not be out of breath when going up the stairs" are all goals. But they're not useful goals, they're outcomes. You may have heard of SMART before - it's common in the realm of goal-setting tips. Smart goals aren't restricted to fitness. They're bandied about corporate boardrooms all the time. What does it mean? Well, goals are SMART when they tick off the following boxes: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Timely "Get fit" isn't a smart goal. But "be able to run five miles" is. A specific goal is one with a clear objective in mind. If you know when you've achieved it, it's specific. It needs to be measurable, too. Running five miles is both those things, but if you're losing weight, the amount you've lost is a great metric. And goals need to be achievable, otherwise, you'll end up giving in. But what about those last two? A timely goal is easy. It's one that comes with a deadline. For instance, lose ten pounds by the 30th March. On to that last one. Your fitness goals should be relevant to you. Your rhythm, your work-life balance, your prior commitments. And that's often a problem with shake 'n' bake fitness routines that are found in magazines and websites. You're copying a routine that's designed for somebody else. Seek Out a Professional You'd hire a plumber to fix your plumbing and a mechanic to look at your engine when it's on the fritz. Hiring professional help for your workouts isn't admitting defeat. It's common sense. A professional instructor knows the ins and outs of the game. They'll evaluate your level of fitness with ease and work with you to develop a nutrition plan that you can stick to. They'll know how to design a fitness regime that will work for your schedule. And what's more, they're always flexible with their clients. Fitness instructors work with people from all sorts of industries and they're used to having a hectic timetable. Plus, they'll always be a fantastic source of the latest fitness tips and trends. Know What Success Means to You Fitness is a wide array of topics. Some people are professional athletes, others run marathons for fun. Some simply want to tone their bodies. In short, we all define success differently. It's okay to fail. Designing successful goals means defining flexible ones. If you're embarking on a new fitness journey, you'll know more tomorrow than you did today. And you'll know more next week than this one. You should regularly examine your goals. After all, you may have overestimated yourself - and it's disheartening to not live up to what you'd planned at the outset. Or, you may achieve a fitness goal faster than you'd thought. But if you aren't taking a close look at your goals now and then, you'll eventually stagnate. Focus on the Small Wins Most of us want fast results. Here's the thing: If the only goal you've got in mind is where you want to be when you're done, you're missing out on a lot of progress in between. Nobody can be at their best, day in and day out. You should be focusing on the small achievements in between the bigger stuff. Everything that brings you closer to the endgame - even if you fall short of your weekly quotas - is a win. It's All About When You Start Everybody could have started last week, last month, or last year. But we're in the now, and it's what you do now that matters. And if you're looking to make some fitness goals that will stick this time around, it's time to start looking inwards. Contact me for more information about one-on-one, personalized fitness plans that work.
By sites December 27, 2021
Do you want to start eating healthy? Are you having trouble affording healthy foods? If you're thinking about eating healthier, you may be frustrated to find that many healthy foods are more expensive than their less beneficial alternatives. Fortunately, however, cheap and healthy eating is possible as long as you take the right approach. Here's how you can start eating healthy on a budget. 1. Eat At Home More Often One of the best ways that you can start eating healthier on a budget is to start making your own meals more often. Eating out can be expensive, so by vowing to make more of your meals at home, you can save quite a bit of money. Not only is eating at home cheaper, but it can be also easier to eat healthy when making your own meals. Many restaurants don't make meals with health in mind but prioritize the taste of their food over all else. By making your own meals, you'll have more control over exactly what you're eating and can ensure that your meals are as healthy as possible. 2. Buy Food In Bulk Another key thing that you can do to eat healthy and cheap is to buy foods in bulk . There are many types of items that you can buy in bulk and will last you for a while. Stocking up on foods like nuts, rice, quinoa, olive oil, and spices and getting a lot of these all at once can help you to save money and spend less week-to-week. While you'll have to pay more money upfront, you'll end up spending less overall. 3. Plan For Lazy Nights One of the things that you should do to eat healthy for a budget is to have a plan for the nights that you're too tired to cook. Make sure that you come up with some quick and easy meal plans that you can use on the nights when you just got home from work and want to eat without a lot of preparation. Doing so can help you avoid getting a fast food meal on the way home or making another unhealthy choice instead. 4. Make Some Simple Food Switches To do more healthy eating, it's a good idea to make any food switches and replacements that you can. Opting for off-brand products more often, for example, can be a good idea if you want to save money. Many of these products will be very similar to the higher-cost product. Another way to make a swap is by buying foods fewer foods that have been processed in some way. Buying a whole fruit, for example, will likely be cheaper than buying a fruit that comes pre-sliced. 5. Opt For Canned and Frozen Foods One of the switches that you can make when grocery shopping is to buy more frozen and canned foods. Believe it or not, these frozen foods are just as healthy as fresh foods are and also come with some added benefits. These foods will last longer and can be more convenient for you to work into your meals. You won't have to worry about them going bad quickly. Frozen foods will often go on sale as well, so they can be a good alternative to fresh fruit or other products depending on the season you're in. Many types of fresh produce can be more expensive in the wintertime, for example. 6. Search For Coupons and Discounts Another thing that you can do to reduce the cost of healthy food is to use any coupons and discounts that you're able to. Chances are that there are some coupons for your favorite grocery store that you could be making use of. Many major stores will offer coupons. You may find them in a local newspaper or by searching online for digital coupons that you can use. Be sure to collect any of these coupons that you can, if you want to save a lot of money on healthy foods. 7. Minimize Meat Consumption Meat can be expensive, so if you're eating a lot of it, the costs can add up. Not only that, meat isn't the healthiest type of food either. Because of this, it can be worth switching to other protein sources instead and centering your meals around some meat substitutes instead . Adding more nuts and legumes into your diet, eating more beans, or simply switching to fish instead of red meat and poultry can be a good choice that will be healthier and cheaper. 8. Purposefully Make Leftovers To eat healthy on a budget, it can be worth making larger meals when you do decide to cook. Then, you should keep the leftovers in your fridge for later. Some people go so far as to cook meals for the entire week on just one day of the week. Having leftovers from healthy meals in your fridge can be helpful. By eating healthy leftovers, you'll have a better chance of avoiding junk food or making an unhealthy meal if you're not in the mood to cook. 9. Have a Weekly Plan Perhaps the biggest key to how to eat healthier on a budget is to map out a plan that you'll follow. Building a nutrition plan and setting a weekly menu for yourself can be very helpful. You should plan ahead and determine what your meals will be for the entire week. Then, be sure that you carefully make a grocery list of what you'll be getting for your meals. Make sure that you don't buy a lot of unnecessary items when at the grocery store. Buy only what you need for the meals that you have planned during the week. Eating Healthy On a Budget With These Tips If you want to start eating healthy on a budget, make sure that you take the above tips and ideas into consideration. While it can be tricky to eat healthy for a low price, it can be done as long as you take the right approach. Are you looking for fitness and nutrition coaching? Contact us now to learn how we can help you meet your goals.
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